June 16, 2024


All animals need something to eat, all living beings need to eat to survive. Carnivores eat meat aka other animals. It’s part of the life cycle. We humans hate it when we get a taste of our own medicine and become the prey. These animals are man – eaters which means they eat humans. Not to be confused, with eating dead humans which is scavenging.  But animals who hunt down humans, and give us a taste of our own medicine keeping it fair. But these animals often face a tragic fate and not a single man-eater is currently alive.  And I am going to tell you more about this long, complicated, and messy tale.

 Let me tell a little about the story of a tiger. The Champawat tigress is the tiger to claim the most human lives in history. It was a female Bengal tiger responsible for 436 deaths in Nepal and the Kumaon division of India. I found it hard to believe, that it killed 436 deaths. I thought someone had just gotten the numbers wrong or had severely exaggerated it. So, I did some more fact-checking, yeah, it’s 436 deaths. So, I was shocked, what could have caused this behavior? I mean tigers prefer to stay away from humans. So, this conflicted with my original knowledge, so I did some digging. So, I checked out, who killed her. It was Jim Corbette, the infamous hunter who took her down with a gun.  So, Jim, checked out her dead body and what he found was truly heartbreaking.

The tiger had a broken tooth, some hunter had shot her long before she was a man-eater, and she ate other animals just like any normal animal. But we humans like we always do love to convert a normal animal with feelings and emotions to a terrifying man-eater and then play the victim card. That’s just unethical and unfair. Anyways, the tiger’s broken tooth meant she could no longer hunt her usual prey like she always did. So, she was forced to turn to eating human meat to survive which is just heartbreaking. She had no choice, the tigress had to do what she needed to survive. Anyone would do it. Admit it, you would too if you were in her situation. And it disgusts me that thousands of people celebrate her death when it is all our fault as a whole species.

Now, let me give you another example.  The Tsavo Man-Eaters was a whole pride of man-eating lions. Now just like it, they too for unknown reasons had health issues and dental problems caused by humans that forced them to switch to eating human meat. They had too, they had no choice. Imagine being in their situation not being able to hunt the prey you once loved and have cubs you need to feed; you would do whatever it takes. And human constructions were destroying their habitats and encroaching on their rightful ancestral lands. So, they did what they had to save their pride. Tragically all of them were killed off, and they were reduced to just numbers, another way of dehumanizing them and ignoring that it was our fault that resulted in every single life lost. And we continue the vicious cycle, only killing more animals and playing the victim card.

Now, it’s pretty messed up we’re doing this. But there are other ways, we need to completely ban hunting animals and give them the same legal rights that we humans do.  We also need to respect the boundaries of wildlife. Any construction that might jeopardize wildlife in even the smallest way must be blocked. Also, if we do end up with man-eating animals even with all these measures, we need to put laws that allow self–defense with non–lethal weapons and make it clear regardless of the actions of these man-eaters they are protected under the law. They can be tranquilized and rehabilitated to encourage them to go back to eating their usual meat by helping them with any dental issues or any other issues hereby giving them their abilities they can use to hunt animals back. This can be done with the use of advanced technology. And that is only 1 possible idea. If we put our minds together, we could come up with brilliant ideas. Innovation can play a key role here, creating advanced tech to rehabilitate animals ethically and responsibly. I believe if we put our minds together, we can solve this problem. And we can create a world where no animal has to die for being uniquely abled. 

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